Grey Rabbit walks Morecambe Bay

Grey Rabbits Travel Journals
10 min readNov 27, 2023


The air was very pollinated that evening. Grey Rabbit sniffed and twitched all through the night. By 4:00am he was done. He could not get comfy. Every time he found a nice sleeping position Grey Rabbit nose filled with irritants and soon, he struggled breathe fully. Sighing he pushed back the bedspread. Grey Rabbit got dressed, laying up clothing in order to face the brisk morning seaside breeze. The hotel porter was up and looked at Grey Rabbit with surprise. ‘Is everything ok?’ the porter asked with grave concern.

Grey Rabbit lifted his Indiana Jones hat ‘I would like to go for a morning run. Will the gate be open on my return?

‘Yes of course sir’ called the porter relieved as he opened the hotel entrance door for Grey Rabbit. The night porter did not like hassle in the night. Guests always seem one hundred times tetchier after 8pm. The coach trip had already brought in some troublesome guests. On the arrival of the donkey’s coach trip an elderly traveller had jammed the shower and flooded the room. This would have been manageable if the water hadn’t started into the room below, causing the fire alarm to trigger. At 10:30pm the alarms had rung; the whole hotel had been evacuated to the lifeboat station. Even the zenful Grey Rabbit had lost a little of his chilled nature whilst walking down the hotel stairs shivering in the cold dressed only with striped pyjamas and coat.

Escaping the clammy hotel, seaside sweet air caught Grey Rabbit’s Nose. Blowing all the irritants away Grey Rabbit took a deep breathe. With relief Grey Rabbit stated to jog down the Prom.

‘Good morning, Eric’ Grey Rabbit called happily to the iconic statue. The statue stood still and strong. Grey Rabbit approached and looked at the craftmanship of the facial features. The realness of the glasses and clothing etched into the metal structure. ‘He looks so lifelike’ whispered Grey Rabbit to himself. Taking some steps back Grey Rabbit took a photo of Eric Morecambe on his plinth the sun rising in the background.

Turing to continue his hike an old shop window caught his eye. It glowed in the darkness. It called for Grey Rabbit to come closer. A moon with a bullet coming from its eye. A tribute to the 1902 French masterpiece of filmography. A trip to the moon by Georges Melies. The texture of the moon drew grey rabbit in like the 5 astronauts who were drawn into the alien world. Grey Rabbit was entranced by the window until the sea breeze urged him on his way.

Tired from his sleepless night, Grey Rabbit did not acknowledge the sudden change of his surroundings. The plinth stood empty. A mist coming in. Grey Rabbits started to run faster. Feeling his heart beating. An eery feeling hung around. Grey Rabbit felt uncomfortable. He could not shake off a presence. Panicking a little Grey Rabbit thought ‘someone is following me’ Running Faster and Faster. Grey Rabbit crossed the road and then again trying to shake off the intruder. Racing past a neon poster of Eric Morcambe with a quirky message encouraging people to throw away litter grey rabbit thought ‘ oh there obsessed how many Eric's do they need’ .

Stopping suddenly, he turned around trying to gage the situation. Grey Rabbit found himself by a set of painted wall memorial boards. The art was an cheap attempt to distract from the demolished site of the polo tower.

Catching his breath, Grey Rabbit faked an interest in the artwork hoping whoever was tailing would tire; Be tricked into overtaking its victim. Leaving Grey Rabbit alone.

A postal worker with a full bag passed Grey Rabbit.

Grey Rabbit breathed slowly.

Grey Rabbit felt embarrassed a grown rabbit freaked by a posty.

Still there was an awkwardness that hung over Grey Rabbit.

Should I go back to the hotel thought grey rabbit.

‘No he didn’t want to be followed back to basecamp’

But fear prevented Grey Rabbit from running further. The prom was getting more and more deserted of hotels, shops and arcades. If Grey Rabbit was prey there would be nowhere to run hide or get help from. It wasn’t safe to carry on either. The bay had once been a tourist hotspot but covid and cheap air travel had caused Morecambe to become a ghost town. Further and further down the prom more and more boarded up venues lined the seafront.

Grey Rabbit stayed with the wall memorials. Afraid to move forward. Terrified to go back.

Artwork in block shades of blue depicted an image of a man laughing. It was animated in a way that appeared to be laughing at Grey Rabbit. stepping back to take in the full image of the artists sitter . It was a face Grey Rabbit recognised. A face he had just said good morning to. Eric Morecombe smirked at the frightened rabbit. Eric’s eyes tinkled, his eye staring at grey rabbit daring him to scream.

Grey Rabbit moved onto another painting a harmless landscapes of Morecombe bay. A colour tourist boat tugging someone over the waves in a dingy donut. Frey Rabbit apricated the colours the artist had put into the sea, creating aminated waves, with blues, greys and greens. Suddenly Grey Rabbit heart pounded as she recognised the figure laying in the donut. Horrified Grey Rabbit could escape Eric smirking laughter.

Rushing to a newspaper collage of a little harmless boy holding an umbrella, Grey Rabbit tried to regulate his breathing. Grey Rabbit was being tracked by the statue or maybe the spirit of Eric Morecombe himself. With ignorance Grey Rabbit closed his eyes trying to regain control.

Taking the opportunity the baby faced Eric Morecambe let go of the umbrella with one hand. Grabbed hold of grey rabbits jacket he used the force of the wind to pull Grey Rabbit in.

Chapter 2.

Grey Rabbit found himself facing a very young John Eric Bartholomew, holding an umbrella. Looking around Grey Rabbit recognised the buildings. They were the same building he had jogged passed on his morning run. But there was one notifiable difference. The shop fronts no longer had peeling paint, or graffiti. There was not a boarded-up window in site. The store fronts were full of happy seaside merchandise with music blurting out to the sea. The prom was not deserted but full of families and holiday makers carrying picnic baskets, arcade toys, beach balls laughing and enjoying the summer sun. Grey Rabbit had someone been pulled into the art deco boom years of Morecambe Bay. The hotels that aligned the prom were fresh and new. The old theatre no longer deserted but full of the latest movie realises and seaside entertainment productions.

Grey Rabbit wasn’t lost he recognised the street in its interstate. Yet he had no idea how to return to his hotel room. With no other option he followed John Eric into the pie and mash shop. Red counters sparkled with gingham checked table clothes. John Eric scampered over to sit by the piano. A plump woman in an apron offered Grey Rabbit warm pot of tea and breakfast. Calling over to her son at the piano she remarked that he was playing the song wrong. The boy replied with a cheeky smile ‘ I playing all the right notes, just not necessary in the correct order’ A group of old ladies laughed praising John Eric on his comedy timing.

John Eric mother presented Grey Rabbit with a tray. Grey Rabbit sat down to the tray of tea and fried eggs. He was surprisingly hungry, devouring the plateful.

Fed up of the musical instrument the young John Eric came back to Grey Rabbit. The boy sat opposite him, folding his arms on the table resting his head. ‘ Why am I here?’ enquired Grey Rabbit. ‘ I want you to see something?’ replied the euthanistic boy.

‘Ross will be expecting me to be on the bus’ Grey Rabbit pleaded

‘You need to see something, come’ insisted the boy.

Grey Rabbit had no choice. Finishing his plate he thanked Eric’s mother and followed the lad out. John Eric escorted Grey Rabbit to his red tricycle. ‘Jump on’ The boy demanded.

Grey Rabbit did as he was told. He was sitting behind the boy wind flying through his long bunny ears. The seafront was packed full of visitors, laughing enjoying the summers day. A true contradiction to the site that met Grey Rabbit less than an hour before. Passing a newspaper stool, Grey Rabbit noticed a date. To his shock he had travelled back in time. It was 1932. Grey Rabbit’s best chance was to stick to the lad and hoped that he could persuade the young’un to take him back to 2023. They continued to fly by queues of excited children lining up to join the arcades, fair ground rides, cinema, and iconic polo tower. Grey Rabbit recognised the building coming up ahead. Previously he had barely shown the hotel any notice but now it twinkled in the sun, Grey Rabbit was amazed by the articulate art deco lines of the architecture. Ashamed that he hadn’t apricated the site earlier Grey Rabbit looked out across the sea.

The pair approached the public baths. Leaving the trike, the entrance to the Morecombe Lido. John Eric led his companion through the crowds.

The Morecombe Lido was a dramatic site. With art deco sun bead and high diving boards around a spectacular pool. A synchronised swimming team dressed in identical blue suites practiced their formations in the shallows whilst tribes of teenagers and children clumped together in the deep end throwing beach balls, splashing each other pushing others under the water for laughs. John Eric clearly wanted grey rabbit to see Morecambe at its best. A beautiful lady leapt to the side leaving her synchronised team. She approached the tall ladder. Confidently she climbed to the highest board. Adopting a beautify swan like position she dived like an angel.

‘Dare you’ called John Eric poking Grey Rabbit in the side.

‘No’ replied Grey Rabbit.

‘Dare you chicken’ John eric joked encouraging the surrounding children to join in.

Grey Rabbit tentatively climbed the narrow ladder. Stumbling halfway up his leg hung in the air. Grey Rabbit felt the sea breezy fling through his body. Seeing the pause John Eric called up encouragement to Grey Rabbit to continue. Soon a group of children were cheering on the Rabbit to go higher and higher up the ladder. The higher Grey Rabbit climbed the louder the young people called.

‘ Come on Grey Rabbit’ called a girl with ginger pigtails

‘ You can do it’ yelled a smirking teenage boy.

In synchrony the children started chanting and clapping egging their new friend on. ‘ Grey Rabbit’’ clap clap. ‘Grey Rabbit,’ clap clap. The continued repeating Grey rabbit’s name.

Reaching the top of the board. Grey Rabbit’s legs trembled. They were turning to jelly as he reached out for the bar to aid his walk. Arms beginning to shake Grey Rabbit tried to shuffle on. Approaching the end of the dive board, Grey Rabbit became unstable. The board wobbling. The Rabbit struggled to keep up and continue. In shock the children were now silent fearing the worst.

Grey Rabbit took a deep breath, and edged to the end of the board. It was bobbing up and down. Grey Rabbits tummy churned. He hated heights.

Slowly he took one arm off the bar. Then Another, Wobbling and wiggling trying to keep balance as he positioned into a pencil position.

Taking One final breath he launched his little rabbit body off the diving board. The fall lasted a lifetime, Grey rabbit could hear the cheers of the children. Fear filled Grey Rabbits bones as he fell towards the chlorine water. Wet coldness soaked through his fur.

Grey Rabbit was under water, unable to breathe, the sound of the water crashed over his head. Some water entered Grey Rabbits lips, Tasting the salt Grey Rabbit was discontent. Spluttering and coughing he reached the surface. More waves slashed over him. Grey Rabbit was no longer was at the public swimming lino he was back at Morecambe Bay. The sea consuming his well brushed fur. Dumped onto the sand bank Grey Rabbit lay motionless for a while. Feeling oxygen fill into his lungs once more Grey Rabbit cleared his throat and sat up. In front of him on the swore was Eric fully grown and back on his royal plinth. Disorientated and confused Grey Rabbit staggered back into the hotel and tumbled his way up the checked staircase eyes fixed on every step, till he reached his hotel room.


Eric Morecombe- John Eric Bartholomew OBE known by his stage name Eric Morecambe, was an English comedian who together with Ernie Wise formed the double act Morecambe and Wise. Sadie Eric mother took work as a waitress to raise funds for his dancing lessons. During this time, Eric Bartholomew won numerous talent contests

Eric Morecombe Statue-Unveiled by the Queen in 1999, the slightly larger than life-sized statue depicts Eric Morecambe in one of his characteristic poses. As Coach tours pass by passengers are encouraged to say good morning to Eric

Polo Tower- Original space tower of Blackpool sponsored was moved to Morecombe bay as a tourist attraction and was sponsored by polo. a larger space tower was built in Blackpool.

Morecombe Lido- The Super Swimming Stadium at Morecambe, Lancashire, was one of the grandest of the 1930s modernist seaside lidos built in shape of a mushroom. demolished in the 70s due to structural issues.

Old Pier Bookshop.- The Old Pier Bookshop is a family- run, independent, disorganised, second hand bookshop, situated on Morecambe sea front

