Lest We Forget
Royal Navy Rabbit led the parade.
Behind him were the bunny beavers, bunny cubs. Lastly the bunny Scouts followed by other Rabbit leaders. Grey Rabbit tailed on behind ensuring no Bunny was left behind. Grey Rabbit threw his empty hot chocolate mug away as they marched down the strip.
The Bunny's were carefully negotiating their parade colour flags through the overgrown trees whilst attempting to maintain troop formation. A number of leaves fell to the ground as they were brushed by the flag poles. This brought the bunnies to giggle. The Rabbits called for hush as the troop approached the remembrance gate.
They were welcomed by an aging Rabbit a veteran of the 2nd war. He held his head high with pride, badges of honour on display. The veterans eyes filled with emotion overwhelmed by the presence of a young enthusiastic Royal Navy Rabbit leading his group of bunny scouts to pay remembrance. It was the last year that this veteran would be leading the remembrance flag display. Gulping away tears he showed the bunny’s the flags down process. the veteran bunny took Royal Navy Rabbit’s hand. Putting his other hand on top he gave a strong handshake of thanks and gratitude.
realigning his flag and taking his stand the veteran rabbit stood to attention.
Everyone stood straight waiting …
The horn sounded,
der derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn
The flags lowered. Grey Rabbit assisted by redirecting a pole to prevent collision with a beaver face. Grey Rabbits cheeks were wet as he watched the bunny’s lay their wreath.
Grey Rabbit thought of each of the bottle red poppies and the lifeless bodies trampled in mud that the represented. The lifeless warrior horse crying in the dust represented in purple.
Grey Rabbit mind turned to his bunny scouts. With tears rolling down his face Grey Rabbit Prayed. Grey Rabbit prayed for each one of the bunnies, there faces appearing in his mind one by one. He whispered their names under his breath. Please let them not face conflict like this.
Grey Rabbit mind raced again remembering the terror attacks of his youth.
9 11
7 7
Manchester Arena.
Grey Rabbit prayed again that the bunny’s would be spared the fear of the threat of terror.
The last post sounded again.
2 minutes had ended;
the lives the represent never forgotten
1st Hockley scout group raised £495.36 poppy appeal and laid a wreath at service of remembrance at Hockley war memorial Southend Road.